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Traces of Dreams

If people would take the time to practice and respond to dream languages, they would find that it is equivalent to responding to a divine part of us. Practicing and remembering to recall your dreams each time you are awake enables you to flex the area of the brain where dream information is stored. By demanding this information from the brain upon awakening, the brain will be alerted to store the information for longer periods of time. This allows us time to retrieve and reconstruct the dream. Immediately upon awakening, the spirit, personality and psyche are joined and almost full memory of the dream is possible. After awakening, however, we begin to lose control of the psychic part of ourselves and the dream becomes repressed in our memory. If we choose to jot the dream down we have time to retain it before it disappears. Traces of the dream, however, remain throughout the day. Have you ever forgotten a dream but still felt happy or sad during that day because of the feelings it left behind, and/or have an irresistible impulse to share and talk about the dream with someone? The spirit is still seeking a way to deliver a message to the dreamer (personality) that will benefit them Traces of dreams also leave behind automatic flashbacks that will lead us back to a forgotten clue. This leaves us with the feeling of experiencing déjà vu and may occur within a day, a week or several months later.

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